Valeria Zunzún

"Yo vengo de todas partes, y hacia todas partes voy Arte entre las artes, y en el monte, monte soy". José Martí

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My mail art. "Embrouillaminis creatifs"

This is my participation to the mail art (Add and return) project, "Embrouillaminis creatifs", for Eric Coraboeuf (Paris, France). August 06.

Sophie Blachet (Hummingbirds)

Received from my friend Sophie Blachet, Miami, USA. Mail art call Hummingbirds.

Eric Coraboeuf (Hummingbirds)

Received from Eric Coraboeuf, France. Mail art call Hummingbirds.

Fabrice Fosse (Hummingbirds)

Received from Fabrice Fosse, France. Mail art call Hummingbirds.

Fabrice Fosse (CUBA)

Received from Fabrice Fosse, mail art call CUBA. Fabrice sent me a mail art for both mail art calls, Cuba and Hummingbirds. Front is Cuba, and back is Hummingbirds.

Nicole Eippers (CUBA)

Received from Nicole Eippers, Belgium. Mail art call CUBA.

Vittore Baroni (CUBA)

Received from Vittore Baroni, Italia. Mail art call CUBA.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Anne Braunsweig (Hummingbirds?)

Mail Art received from Anne Braunsweig, USA.

Guido Vermeulen (HUMMINGBIRDS)

Received from Guido Vermeulen, Belgium. (Mail art call "HUMMINGBIRDS")

Denis Charmot (HUMMINGBIRDS)

Received from Denis Charmot, Mail Art Call "HUMMINGBIRDS"

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Nicole Eippers (Received from Nicole Eippers, mail art call HUMMINGBIRDS)

Lezbag (received from Lezbag, Mail art Call HUMMINGBIRDS)

Mail Art received for my Mail art call "HUMMINGBIRDS. COLIBRI"

Thanks a lot for the mail art I'm receiving for my mail art call 'HUMMINGBIRDS- COLIBRI". I'm sorry I've been quite long in publishing them... august and complicated times...

I've received mail art from: Lezbag, from USA, Nicole Eippers, from Belgium, Guido Vermeulen, from Belgium too, Denis Charmot, from France and Anne Braunschweig, from USA (this last one not about hummingbirds... (?) but I liked it too!).


I'll publish them all.

my mail art: Mask

This is a mask I did for the mail art call of Sophie, Sophie Blachet / P.O Box 975 / Miami Beach, FL 33119 / USA (

Saturday, August 05, 2006

My Mail Art 4

Mail Art call "Birds" Lezbag julio 06

Mail Art call "Granada" Manuel Ruiz Ruiz, agosto 06