Saturday, September 30, 2006
Kat (Alice in Wonderland mail art)
This is a mail art I received from Kat, and... I forgot to post before! I received it like 10 days ago. Sorry Kat...!
I love it! She sent a picture (the mushrooms of Alice...) and a fridge magnet (a very original mail art...!) -"Wonderland chess faces"- in a beautiful envelope.
"One side will make you grow taller and the other side will make you grow shorter..."
Friday, September 29, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
I just realized I put my "Cuba" mail art call in a lot of places... but in my blog... Valeria, vaya... So here it is, MAIL ART CALL CUBA:
CUBA. Your impressions, thoughts, feelings, love, hate… Past, present or future. It could be anything. Free technique and size.
Just specify why Cuba inspired you.
Deadline: 12/31/06.
I will answer your theme.
Send me your mail art at:
Valeria Zunzún
1412 Euclid ave apt 15
I will publish all the mail art I receive in my blog.
CUBA. Sus impresiones, pensamientos, sentimientos, amor, odio, recuerdos… Pasado, presente o futuro. Lo que ustedes decidan. Técnica y tamaño libres.
Sólo mencionen por qué Cuba les inspiró.
Fecha límite: 31/12/06.
Contestaré su tema a cambio.
Mándenme su mail art a la siguiente dirección:
Valeria Zunzún
1412 Euclid ave apt 15
Publicaré el mail art recibido en mi blog.
CUBA. Vos impressions, pensées, sentiments, amour, haine, souvenirs… Passé, présent ou futur. Ce que vous voulez. Technique et taille libres.
Mentionnez seulement pourquoi Cuba vous a inspiré.
Date limite: 31/12/06.
Je répondrai à votre thème en retour.
Envoyez-moi votre mail art à l’adresse suivante:
Valeria Zunzún
1412 Euclid ave apt 15
Je publierai le mail art reçu sur mon blog.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Anne Braunsweig (Hummingbirds, or almost!)
Here is the second mail art I receive from Anne Braunsweig, Alburquerque, USA. For the first one she told me she got confused and sent me her mail art for the Shoes mail art call... and I can imagine the mailartist of this shoes mail art call received my hummingbird... It's OK Anne, I like your shoes collage too!
This time she sent two ATCs, very beautiful, but, as she told me herself, she knows they're not hummingbirds, kind of parrots, but they remind her hummingbirds for colors and theme; I like it too, is beautiful!
The first one is the parrots one and the flowers (orquids) are in the second one, the two ATCs go together.
Aren't they beautiful?...
Thursday, September 21, 2006
News... new mail arts received... and done
I'm a little behind... ups... Sorry.
I'll publish now the mail arts I've received lately, and some I did too...
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all the pieces I received... and I'm still receiving. Some very very beautiful pieces, thank you... I do my best to send something -I hope as beautiful too...- back.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
My last Mail arts 2 (september 06)
ALICE IN WONDERLAND for Kat Van Trollebol, Netherlands.
IMMIGRATION, for... our own project -with Sophie Blachet-, "Immigration".